Manager Feedback Survey Questions: Enhancing Leadership Skills and Employee Engagement

Are you looking to improve your leadership skills and boost employee engagement within your organization? One effective way to gather valuable insights and feedback from your team is by conducting a manager feedback survey. In this article, we will discuss the importance of manager feedback survey questions and provide a list of relevant questions that you can include in your survey to gain a better understanding of your team’s needs and preferences.

Why Are Manager Feedback Surveys Important?

Manager feedback surveys play a crucial role in fostering open communication between managers and their team members. By soliciting feedback from employees, managers can gain valuable insights into their leadership style, communication techniques, and overall performance. This feedback can help managers identify areas for improvement, build stronger relationships with their team, and ultimately enhance employee satisfaction and productivity.

What Are Some Key Questions to Include in a Manager Feedback Survey?

  1. How would you rate the effectiveness of your manager in providing clear direction and guidance?
    • This question can help managers understand how well they are communicating expectations and objectives to their team members.
  2. Do you feel supported by your manager in your professional development and career growth?
    • This question can provide insights into whether employees feel valued and encouraged to pursue growth opportunities within the organization.
  3. How would you describe the level of trust and transparency in your interactions with your manager?
    • This question can help managers assess the strength of their relationships with their team members and identify areas where trust-building efforts are needed.
  4. On a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rate the overall leadership effectiveness of your manager?
    • This question provides a quantitative measure of a manager’s leadership skills and can highlight areas where improvement is needed.
  5. What specific actions or behaviors do you appreciate the most about your manager?
    • This open-ended question allows employees to provide feedback on what their manager is doing well, helping to reinforce positive behaviors.
  6. In what areas do you believe your manager could improve to better support your team and its goals?
    • This question can uncover areas for growth and development for managers, helping them to tailor their leadership approach to better meet the needs of their team.
      By incorporating these questions into a manager feedback survey, you can gather valuable insights that will help you enhance your leadership skills, improve employee engagement, and create a more positive and productive work environment.


Manager feedback surveys are a powerful tool for fostering open communication, building trust, and enhancing employee engagement within organizations. By asking thoughtful and relevant questions, managers can gain valuable insights into their team’s perceptions and experiences, leading to improved leadership practices and stronger relationships with their employees. So, are you ready to take your leadership skills to the next level? Conduct a manager feedback survey today and start making positive changes that will benefit both you and your team!



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